Ana Paula Pellegrino


Rio de Janeiro, Brazil & Washington D.C., USA

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About / Sobre

Ana Paula Pellegrino is a PhD Candidate at the Department of Government at Georgetown University. She uses both quantitative and qualitative data and methods to study crime and violence, with a particular interest in Latin America. In addition to support from Georgetown, her research is supported by Fundação Estudar’s Leaders program, the Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation’s Emerging Scholars program and the US Institute of Peace and Minerva Research Initiative’s Peace Scholar Fellowship program. A Brazilian national, she holds a BA and an MA in International Relations and an MA in Data Science from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio).

Outside of academia, Ana Paula has worked in Brazilian civil society organizations conducting research and advocacy, developing technology and spearheading philanthropic strategies in organizations such as the Igarapé Institute, ImpulsoGov and the República Institute. She was a Fellow at Georgetown’s Massive Data Institute, where she led the team who assembled the first iteration of the Environmental Impact Data Collaborative. She also organizes the Violence, Instability and Peace Workshop, a feedback-focused virtual seminar series established in 2022.

Ana Paula Pellegrino é doutoranda no Departamento de Governo na Universidade de Georgetown. Ela usa dados e métodos quantitativos e qualitativos para estuar crime e violência, com foco em especial na América Latina. Além do apoio de Georgetown, sua pesquisa foi financiada pelo Programa de Líderes da Fundação Estudar e pelo programa Peace Scholar Fellowship do US Institute of Peace e da Minerva Research Initiative’s. Brasileira, ela é mestre e bacharel em Relações Internacionais pela PUC-Rio.

Fora da academia, Ana Paula trabalhou em organizações de sociedade civil brasileiras com pesquisa e articulação política, desenvolvendo tecnologia e liderando estratégias filantrópicas em organizações como o Instituto Igarapé, a ImpulsoGov e o Instituto República. Ela também foi associada ao Massive Data Institute de Georgetown, onde liderou o time de infraestrutura do Environmental Impact Data Collaborative. Ela também co-organiza o Violence, Instability and Peace Workshop, um fórum virtual para debate de trabalhos acadêmicos fundado em 2022.


Dissertation Project/Tese de Doutorado: The State that Forges Armed Criminal Groups (in progress)

This is a book-length dissertation project that explores armed criminal group formation and interaction with police in Brazil. I conduct a cross-case comparison between Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo from the 1980s to 2000s, tracing the emergence of drug factions and police instutional development.

A tese doutoral explora a formação de grupos criminais no Brasil e seu impacto nas polícias. Comparo os casos do Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo nos anos 1980 a 2000s, traçando o surgimento de facções criminais e o desenvolvimento institucional das polícias nos dois estados.

Peer-Reviewed Publications / Publicações Revisadas por Pares

Research in Progress

Police Motivation / Motivação Policial

with Jessie Trudeau (Syracuse University) and Lucas Novaes(Insper)

What motivates someone to join the police? While current scholarship has focused on desires for authority, to serve one’s community and for financial and professional stability, we test how different conceptions of policing, access to different types of weapons and the possibility of using force contribute to motivation to enter the police force in countries of the Global South.

Killings of police officers / Mortes de policiais

What happens when a police officer is killed? In this project, I analyze the impact of police officers killings on and off duty in Rio de Janeiro on civilian killings in the coming days.

International Wars, National Foes / Guerras internacionais, inimigos nacionais

with Laia Balcells (Georgetown University) and Matthew Simonson (Hebrew University)

How does international conflict impact perceptions and attitudes in third party countries? In this project, we use observational data and surveys to understand the impact of conflict beyonds those directly involved in the same conflict.


Georgetown University, Teaching Assistant / Assistente de Aula

Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Minicourse Instructor / Instrutura de Minicurso

Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Teaching Assistant / Assistente de Aula


Please find my CV here.

Meu CV está disponível aqui.


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